Electric cars – a fad or the future of motoring?

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In Western Europe and Scandinavia, electric cars are already approx. 10-30% of all vehicles sold, but in Poland they are not yet so popular. Will battery cars soon become a standard sight on the streets and replace combustion cars, or is it just a passing fad? Let’s consider the opportunities and threats associated with this technology and try to find an answer to this question.


Let’s start with the positive prospects for the electric car, which are related to the pro-environmental policies promoted by the most powerful international organizations, including the UN, EU and IMF, as well as virtually all nation states. Manufacturers of electric cars are benefiting from the turn towards green energy and zero-emission transport, among others, because due to their environmental friendliness their purchase is covered by subsidies from public funds, which allows to reduce the cost of purchase of the vehicle even by several dozen percent. The third party insurance for e-cars is also cheap, which you can check personally, making a calculation of the premium for such a car in the service https://kalkulator-oc-ac.auto.pl/.

Low cost of operation is another issue in favor of battery electric cars. More expensive fuel, the price of which is reaching new record levels, is a growing problem for drivers, and the electric car is the solution. Depending on the adopted metrology and compared models, the operation is cheaper by 30-70% than in the case of combustion vehicles. This is a really big difference, which is felt in the pocket.

The simplicity of an electric car’s design and the associated lower expenses for repairs and maintenance replacements are also a hope for drivers. While traditional combustion cars require relatively frequent maintenance, electric cars require less frequent maintenance due to their less complex design.


What poses the biggest challenge for electric cars is adapting the charging infrastructure to their needs. The relatively small number of charging points and the electric voltage generated when the charger is in operation mean that widespread topping up of batteries in the way that fuel is refueled today is impossible. Assuming no additional charging points and relying on the existing infrastructure, in practice, only a small proportion of drivers would be able to charge their cars if the majority of Polish society had them.

Another issue is the limited range of electric vehicles, which is still too short to make them suitable for frequent long-distance travel. Although a battery-powered car seems to be sufficient for city driving, its relatively short range combined with poorly developed charging infrastructure makes the e-car worth considering mainly as the second or third car in the family. For most drivers, it will still be useless due to the risks associated with the short range and limited infrastructure.

Not without significance for the progress of electromobility are high prices of electric vehicles. The purchase cost is about 30% higher than that of the same model but equipped with a combustion engine. Some compensation, however, may be low insurance premiums for e-cars – for more information about cheap third party liability, visit https://kalkulator-oc-ac.auto.pl/ubezpieczenie-samochodu/najtansze-oc/.

Main photo: Mike/pexels.com

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