Gold treatments – why use them?

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Gold, a precious bullion that people have been able to fight over among themselves, can have quite unexpected uses. Not only is it useful for making jewelry and creating ornaments, but also for use in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Of course, this doesn’t involve using whole bars of the precious material, but it still sounds luxurious.

Gold has been present in medicine for a long time

It is commonly believed that Cleopatra owed her exceptional beauty not only to baths in milk, but also to gold masks. In the past, it seemed that it could have been just a whim of a rich monarch, but the latest applications of gold seem to contradict that. It is valued for a number of properties, including the fact that it is:

  • bacteriostatic,
  • revitalizing,
  • anti-inflammatory.

Each of these properties promotes healthy and youthful looking skin. In the past, gold was used in the form of flakes, powder or even tinctures. Today, its advantages are used mainly in aesthetic medicine.

Gold mask – a luxurious offer for women

The suggestion to use 24-carat gold for creating a cosmetic mask seems to be at least extravagant. However, it turns out that this type of treatment can have a very beneficial effect on some skin types. Additionally, it has a soothing effect after a difficult time for the skin. So, if any of the ladies couldn’t or didn’t have time to take care of their skin regularly – treatment with golden mask can be a proposal just in time for her.

For what kind of skin is the gold mask recommended?

The advantage of this type of mask is that it has no special specification – it has a positive effect on all skin types. First of all, it is recommended to use it for gray skin, tired, sagging and with visible symptoms of aging. The 24-carat gold mask gives a chance to stimulate skin regeneration, moisturize it and, most of all, brighten it

How does the gold mask work?

Firmness, moisturizing, brightening and rejuvenating effect even by several years are the awaited results of cosmetic procedure with the use of gold – but how does it actually work? First of all, it is very important to use a combination of pure gold with isoflavonoids. Medical research proves that the action of these two factors is crucial to the effectiveness of the mask. The skin becomes stronger, wrinkles are smoothed out, regeneration process begins. The synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated. Regular treatments of this kind contribute to increasing the skin’s capacity for proper nourishment and oxygenation

How does the treatment proceed?

Performed by applying a gold mask, the treatment differs little from other such services. It begins with a careful makeup removal of the client’s face. Then comes the time for cavitation peeling – its task is to cleanse the skin and get rid of dead skin. It is very important for the success of the whole treatment, because thanks to the cleansing the skin will more easily accept what the golden mask offers. This is followed by needle-free mesotherapy which allows the gold particles to penetrate deep into the skin. Later, flakes of pure gold are applied to the face. Usually there are three pieces of 8 x 8 cm. Next, they are massaged into the face with the help of olive oil. The treatment is crowned with the application of a paraffin mask

How long does the gold mask treatment last?

The treatment consists of many steps, which must be carried out with great attention to detail. We should also remember that it is supposed to be a time devoted to relaxation. That is why it usually takes about 2 hours

How much does a gold cosmetic treatment cost?

The procedure of applying a gold facial mask seems very exclusive. In practice, its price is high, but they are not prohibitive. Most often we will pay between 350 and 450 zł.

Photo: John Tekeridis/Pexels

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