Colorful sofa in the living room – what to follow when choosing upholstery?

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It is hard to imagine a cozy living room without a comfortable sofa. When buying lounge furniture we often decide on models in muted colors. But what about colourful upholstery? We suggest what to look for when choosing it.

A sofa in subdued shades of beige, grey or brown will always be a good choice, and thus safe. However, colourful models do not have to be less universal! Vivid, strong colors have taken the world of interior design by storm, proving that they can be equally timeless and pleasing to the eye. When choosing a sofa with colorful upholstery, you just need to pay more attention to the other elements of the decor, so that the whole looks coherent, and not chaotic or even kitschy.

Advantages and disadvantages of colored upholstery

There is no denying that colorful upholstered furniture is an eye-catcher. In addition, they enliven the room and give it a unique character. Often, thanks to an intense color, they brighten up the interior and are a decoration in themselves. A living room with a colorful sofa has a warm, artistic atmosphere, which makes you do not want to leave it.

On the other hand, the biggest disadvantage of colored upholstery is usually considered to be its poorer stain resistance. However, this is an unfounded accusation because current fabrics are more and more often characterized by stain resistance, thanks to which they are easy to clean. Besides, we should remember that it is the quality of the material and not a particular color of the upholstery that affects the resistance to stains and mechanical damage. So let’s bet on furniture made of high quality materials. Such models will serve us for many years.

Functionality of the sofa

Even the most beautiful colorful sofa will not fulfill its functions if it is not properly adjusted to the living room. Before buying it, consider how big it should be and how many people it has to accommodate. If there are children at home, do not choose models with sharp edges. In larger rooms, it is worth placing a corner sofa in the shape of the letter “L”. And what about in the case of small living rooms? In such a situation a better choice will be ordering a custom-made upholstered sofa. Thanks to this furniture will not overwhelm the interior and will not take up too much usable space.

Upholsteredfurniture to measure have many advantages – first of all, they are produced according to individual recommendations of customers, who can choose not only the size of furniture and color of upholstery, but also the material from which the upholstery will be made. Sometimes you can choose from natural fabrics, but also from recycled ones. This option will certainly appeal to those who value ecological solutions.

What else to consider when choosing a sofa? Consider whether it will also serve as a bed. If you are going to sleep on the sofa or you are often visited by guests, choose a convertible model with a sleeping function.

How to choose the color of sofa upholstery?

On the one hand, the sofa upholstery should be practical and therefore resistant to damage and splashes and, on the other hand, it has to blend well with the interior. Take a look at your living room and find the leading color. Match it with the shade of the sofa. If in doubt, use the color wheel. In a room with white walls and wooden floor, any colored sofa will work. In rustic interiors it is worth placing a patterned model. On the other hand, a navy blue, burgundy or emerald sofa will look beautiful in an industrial style living room.

Source: promotional materials

Main photo: Spacejoy/

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