How are the world’s best cigars made?

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Cigars, so popular in gangster movies, are a symbol of luxury. They are mainly associated with hot Cuba, for which only rum can be more characteristic. How are the best cigars made? What are they most valued for? Here is some information about the best cigars in the world.

What exactly is a cigar?

The word ‘cigar’ probably comes from the Mayan language and means smoking tobacco. The object itself with this name is nothing else but rolled and stuck leaves of special varieties of tobacco. They came to Europe at the beginning of the 18th century and were produced in Spain. A hundred years later, during the Napoleonic Wars, they spread to Germany, Italy and Great Britain where they became a real hit. Since 1821, they began to be produced in Cuba and the famous havanas became synonymous with quality

Where does the production of the best cigars begin? The role of appropriate tobacco

Making the best cigars in the world requires acquiring great quality raw material. However, it is not enough to say that such tobacco can be obtained in Cuba. It is assumed that the province of Pinar del Rio, located to the northwest of Havana, has the most to offer in this regard. The dried plant from the Valle de Viñales is the most prized. Tobacco is grown there on the fertile red soil, which together with the rocky outcrops forms the local landscape. Cuba is dominated by the traditional methods of cultivation and processing of plants

What does a Cuban cigar consist of?

The construction of this exclusive product is by no means arbitrary or random. Handmade cigars consist of:

  • the filler, which is the insert that determines the flavor;
  • a binder, or wrapper, which gives the cigar its shape;
  • a wrapper, which is a decorative finishing touch;
  • a cap to prevent the wrapper from unwinding;
  • a ring with the company logo.

In fact, each of the elements that make up the cross section of a cigar can be the subject of inquiry and are sometimes recognized by connoisseurs. For example, there are different types of wrapper leaves – for example Candela, Claro, Maduro or Natural. The tobacco itself also varies and is divided into three main types:

  • Seco – with a mild taste, which is obtained from leaves that grow near the ground;
  • Volado – derived from leaves that grow in the middle of the tobacco;
  • Ligero – made from leaves found at the tip of the plant.

What else influences the taste of a cigar?

It is commonly believed that the length and diameter of a cigar are very important for its flavor. The first parameter influences the time of savoring the taste – the longer the cigar, the longer the pleasure. It is also more frequent to experience flavour changes under the influence of smoking. It is assumed that during the smoking process, the best cigars should change their flavor at least three times. The second parameter also contributes to the burning speed, but also affects the flavor. A thin cigar will be more intense, while thicker ones are more sublime and delicate in flavor. It is also important to roll the cigar properly. In Cuba, there are special schools, in which future masters of this craft are taught for 9 months. Of course, later they are bestowed with great respect

How to store cigars?

It is very important to store cigars properly. If we keep them in special cedar boxes, we will not only protect them from losing flavor, but even deepen it and make it much more interesting. It is also practiced to store cigars in plastic bags at the bottom of the refrigerator. All this so that the tobacco does not dry out too much

What about the effects of cigars on health?

Unfortunately, cigars cannot be said to be healthy. It is true that they are made of highly selected tobacco, but this does not reduce the risks that tobacco smoke brings to our body. Smoking cigars, despite the lack of inhaling, has similar consequences as smoking cigarettes: it promotes cancer, especially arising in the oral cavity, leads to cardiovascular diseases and chronic bronchitis

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