Bonding – a non-invasive way to improve your smile

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Tooth bonding is a method of quickly repairing your smile. By using composite, you can restore your teeth and improve their color. It’s easy and fast. What is bonding?

What is bonding?

This method involves covering your teeth with a thin layer of composite, which is made of resin. It is an effective way to restore a nice smile. It allows for quick restoration of teeth, but also to remove unsightly discoloration. Satisfactory differences in the appearance of the smile can be seen immediately after bonding. Detailed information on this subject may be found at

When should bonding be performed?

Bonding is recommended first of all in case of not too big problems with teeth. So it will be a good solution in the case of fracture or deformation of a tooth. It will also make it possible to align teeth, when one is too short in relation to the others or when teeth crack. Chipped or broken teeth can be effectively masked with composite. Bonding is also an ideal solution for tooth discoloration. If someone is bothered by diastema or unaesthetic gaps between the teeth, this method will also be an ideal solution.

Contraindications to bonding

Bonding can be used only on healthy teeth. Contraindications for the implementation of composite restoration are any carious lesions and periodontal diseases. Smile improvement can be done only after the caries has been cured. Bonding is also not recommended for people who grind and grind their teeth.

How does tooth restoration look like?

The bonding method consists of several stages, but it can be performed entirely during a single visit to the dentist. The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the correction being performed and the dentist himself. If the changes are small, a satisfactory effect can be achieved even within an hour.

Bond is placed on the tooth, after reducing its surface. Then a mild acid is applied to the tooth, followed by a compost resin and a layer of composite proper. Finally, the tooth is exposed using a dental lamp. Bonding is painless and does not require anesthesia.

Effects of bonding

The most important effect after the procedure is the improvement in the appearance of the teeth. Bonding makes the teeth have a nice shape and are even. Any cracks or fractures are effectively masked, and the color of teeth is evened out by removing discoloration. The material used in bonding is matched in shade to the remaining teeth.

How long does the effect last on teeth?

The effect of a well-made bonding remains on the teeth for up to five years. However, its durability is affected not only by the strength of the composite, but also by the patient’s eating habits. The aesthetics after the procedure is weakened by too much consumption of colored products. Thus, products such as strong coffee, red wine or sweet carbonated drinks may cause discoloration. Smoking also has a negative effect.

Hygiene habits are also important. The effect of bonding on your teeth will be prolonged by regular brushing as well as using mouthwash and dental floss.

How much does bonding cost and where can it be performed?

The price of the procedure is cheaper than other, slightly more durable solutions, such as porcelain veneers. The cost of bonding depends on the individual price list of each facility.When it comes to places where you can perform the procedure, it is worth using the services of recommended and reputable dentists. If you want to know where to perform dental bonding Ochota clinic for a smile is the place to do it.

Main photo: Daniel Xavier/

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