A chocolate massage is the perfect way to relax. Discover its extraordinary properties

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Chocolate massage is becoming increasingly popular. No wonder! It combines relaxation techniques and classic massage. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and deeply moisturizes the skin. It is an ideal way to relax.

What kind of chocolate is used for massage?

Many people imagine that the masseur melts chocolate bought in the nearest grocery store to perform this procedure. Nothing could be further from the truth! This is natural chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans. Additionally, the masseur mixes it with essential oils and often with coconut oil, which additionally nourishes and oils the skin

Why does a massage with chocolate have such positive properties?

Cocoa beans have as many as 300 valuable trace elements and minerals, including magnesium. Chocolate has a lot of vitamin A containing retinol. It strengthens the skin and acts as a powerful antioxidant. In turn, B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system and are responsible for healthy sleep. The vitamin D contained in it supports brain activity and immunity. Elements, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc, not only have a positive effect on the skin, but also accelerate recovery after exercise. One should not forget about trypofan, which is responsible for the production of the happy hormone serotonin. A chocolate massage can have a calming and energizing effect on you, just like a cup of coffee, especially since chocolate has a small dose of caffeine and theobromine in it. Espresso, loved by many women, has these same ingredients.

Chocolate massage is a relaxing massage based on gentle movements and classic massage. It provides deep muscle relaxation and calming. The masseur applies warm chocolate with aromatic oils on the cleansed skin. Their wonderful scent also works on the senses during the treatment. Later he gently spreads chocolate over the body with his hands and makes stroking movements. The massage also includes longitudinal kneading and pressure in places where muscles are extremely tense. There are also techniques used to relieve tension, including rocking and lifting the skin. It is important that all of these techniques are done slowly to the beat of relaxing music. The treatment can be performed on the whole body or on selected parts. After the massage, the body is wrapped in foil for 15-20 minutes and covered with a blanket so that the valuable active ingredients can penetrate into the skin. After this time the foil is removed and the skin is cleaned of chocolate residues.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

What effects does a chocolate massage have?

In addition to the pleasant sensory experience, including the smell, you can also expect other effects of a chocolate massage. These include:

  • calming and a feeling of relaxation;
  • deep nutrition and smoothing of the skin;
  • reduction of cellulite and its visibility
  • improved skin elasticity;
  • reduction of skin dryness;
  • relief of nervous and circulatory system disorders;
  • anti-depressive and calming effect.

During the treatment you can feel the influx of endorphins, and experience a feeling of total relaxation and warming the skin. Chocolate increases the production of endorphins, as well as phenamine, which is a psychostimulant. Skin becomes silkier and muscles much more relaxed.

It is worth undergoing such treatment, if you feel nervous tension, have trouble sleeping, your skin is very dry and prone to irritation.

Are there any contraindications for performing chocolate massage?

Massage with chocolate is not recommended for everyone. If you suffer from nervous hyperactivity, have inflammation of the skin or suffer from atopy of the skin, then such a massage is not advisable. It also cannot be performed when pregnancy, infectious diseases, high blood pressure or varicose veins have been diagnosed. Chocolate massage is also not advisable for allergy sufferers, especially those with food allergies to chocolate-containing products.

Photo Kalim/Pexels

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