Diamond microdermabrasion – why should you use it?

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Today’s aesthetic medicine offers a wide range of treatments to maintain beautiful skin. One popular one is diamond microdermabrasion. It is a mechanical peeling or micro-peeling of the skin using a special device with a diamond attachment. What does this treatment consist of and why should you benefit from it? Read on to find out

What is diamond microdermabrasion?

Diamond microdermabrasion is a type of mechanical peeling that triggers collagen and elastin production in the body, regenerates new cells, and contributes to the disappearance of fine lines and skin rejuvenation.

Unlike similar facial treatments, such as dermabrasion or laser peeling, diamond microdermabrasion affects only the superficial layers of the skin (in this way it resembles ultrasonic facial cleaning, but is more effective and gives better results). As a result, no special skin preparation is required before the treatment

The benefits of cleansing the skin of its keratinized top layer are beyond doubt. Besides stimulating skin renewal, diamond microdermabrasion helps to get rid of such imperfections as bumps, age spots, enlarged pores, blackheads, small scars and stretch marks. After the treatment, the skin becomes more elastic, acquires a uniform and beautiful color. Most often the treatment is used to rejuvenate and eliminate minor skin imperfections of the face, neck and cleavage. However, diamond microdermabrasion gives excellent results on any area of skin with stretch marks or other indications for use.

This method of skin cleansing is virtually painless, and the recovery period is very short: the skin returns to normal on its own, without the use of any means, after 3-4 hours. For this type of mechanical peeling, a special apparatus or a diamond attachment is used. During the treatment the surface of the nozzle slides over the skin, on which the diamond cap acts, exerting mechanical pressure. Thanks to the force of friction and pressure of small particles, the skin is gently cleansed of dead cells

Sofia Zhuravetc/Adobe Stock

Indications for performing the treatment

The most common reasons for performing the procedure are:

  • the presence of fine and deep wrinkles;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • age spots;
  • blackheads, enlarged pores;
  • acne and its consequences;
  • scars;
  • tattoos;
  • stretch marks;
  • cellulite.

Diamond microdermabrasion will not solve all of these problems, but after a few treatments these skin imperfections will become less visible.

This treatment stimulates epidermal cell renewal, making your skin firmer and smoother. After each such treatment, your face will glow with youth and freshness. Regularly repeated microdermabrasion treatments slow down the aging process and make it impossible to determine the exact age of a person. For many women, this will certainly be a great advantage.

How to achieve the maximum effect?

To achieve a lasting effect, microdermabrasion of the facial skin should be performed more than once or twice. It is best to go through a whole cycle of treatments and repeat them from time to time. This way you will keep your skin firm and healthy for a long time

Only a specialist can determine the number and frequency of treatments, don’t forget that. Therefore, before performing your first microdermabrasion session, be sure to consult a certified cosmetologist. This will help you avoid unwanted consequences and achieve your goal as soon as possible. Do not forget about proper skin care after the treatment

Contraindications to performing diamond dermabrasion treatment

You cannot always perform this treatment, contraindications include:

  • exacerbated conditions of skin diseases;
  • presence of nevi, keloid scars;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

photo by Friends Stock/Adobe Stock

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