Positioning in the jewelry industry – does it pay off?

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Until a few years ago, for many customers buying jewelry in online stores was risky – they preferred to carefully assess the quality of the purchase visually and touch it to make sure that the precious metals and stones used are authentic. But times are changing, and the global market for virtual jewelry sales is growing every year. Therefore, doing jewelry business online as well has become something common and natural today. Such businesses with high value assortment are supported by agents like Best Philadelphia SEO, or SEO agency Cleveland, offering proven SEO solutions like Squarespace SEO optimization

E-commerce positioning

Online stores have been springing up like mushrooms after the rain over the last few years. Every major jewelry brand, meeting the expectations of its customers, gives them the opportunity to make purchases online. Virtual “place”, being under the care of specialists, for example SEO agency Cleveland, is also a chance for small stores and individual jewelry producers to break through on the market and reach potential consumers. However, just opening a store is not enough, you still have to prepare it properly and take care of its visibility in search engines.

What does positioning of stores give? In every case, not only the jewelry store, proper SEO optimization is associated with numerous benefits:

  • it allows the online store to increase the number of sales channels, and thus brings new orders;
  • strengthens the brand reputation, as nowadays many shoppers look for information about stores on the web, even before the traditional purchase in a stationary point of sale;
  • increases the number of potential customers of the store and allows you to reach those who have completely switched to online shopping;
  • helps to build loyalty and trust among buyers;
  • increases the quality of the store “in the eyes” of search engine algorithms, which directly affects the improvement of its position in search results. This is mainly due to solutions introduced by agencies, such as Squarespace SEO optimization.

Of course, skillful positioning generates traffic to the store, which in turn has an impact on increasing conversions. Simply put – more customers means more sales.

Specificity of positioning for jewelry store

According to Best Philadelphia SEO Company – positioning of jewelry stores is governed by generally accepted principles, but the industry itself is governed by its own laws, which should also be taken into account in your strategy. It is worth remembering that this is the sale of luxury goods, for which demand is not as high as, for example, in the case of clothing or cosmetics. Customers usually do not buy expensive jewelry spontaneously – it is usually a planned and thoughtful purchase.

Moreover, sales of jewelry products are characterized by seasonality, which means that during certain periods the conversion will also increase regardless of our actions. As a retailer, you need to be prepared for those occasions and periods of the year when the demand for jewelry increases significantly,” stresses Best Philadelphia SEO market analyst.

How to shine online – some SEO tips – find your (words) keys to success

Search engine optimization starts with keyword selection – for stores, it’s good to position for short phrases, consisting of 1-3 words, as well as for more specific ones, the so-called long tail.

Make sure that the structure of your store is clear

Online jewelry stores will have an extensive structure with many sub-pages with categories and products. It should be planned well to avoid duplicate pages and non-functioning tabs. Moreover, each sub-page must be optimized for SEO. It is beneficial for agencies to implement special engines (CMS) such as the aforementioned Squarespace SEO optimization, which will significantly improve the quality of the site. 

Don’t neglect important descriptions

Still many online store owners neglect the issue of product and category descriptions, considering them unnecessary. Some leave their products without descriptions, others settle for standard versions, often copied from other sites. Unfortunately, this is the worst solution. Preparing original, properly optimized descriptions will help you increase the position of your store.

Run an industry blog

Senior Copywriter of SEO agency Cleveland saysdon’t limit yourself to descriptions, advertising texts and social media posts. In this niche, as in any other, users value useful content. This could be blog posts on tips for choosing jewelry for different face types, reviews of current trends, gift ideas for different occasions, etc.

Take care of good graphic content

Graphic content, i.e. good quality photos that allow you to see even the smallest details of the product, is especially important for customers of jewelry stores. A large number of photos requires monitoring of loading time, as well as compression of images to reduce their volume without losing quality.

Positioning is a multifaceted process, and the issues raised here are just the tip of the iceberg. You can read more about it here. If you want your store to be visible online and profitable, you can outsource SEO to professionals.

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  • Joan Brett 30.08.2022

    In my opinion, positioning only pays off if the actions are done correctly. Therefore, it is worth planning them in advance and following the prepared strategy. This task may be facilitated by an SXO audit. It will enable a thorough analysis of the website and adaptation of the action plan to the needs of customers in your industry. SXO audit is a comprehensive analysis of SEO and UX activities. This allows you to improve your positioning by also taking into account the user experience. So it’s worth conducting an audit and checking what effects it will bring for your website.